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Potatoes Forever!

Can you imagine a world without potatoes? Without Sunday roast, French fries, or tasty early season potatoes? No! And neither can we.

As professionals in the potato sector, producers, packers, traders, shelf managers, greengrocers, and more, you can count on us to offer you a quality product for many years to come.

Every day, we take concerted action to reduce our impact on the environment, while at the same time guaranteeing food safety and sovereignty. Confronted with the climate emergency, all players in the sector, from field to fork, are working to be part of the solution.

This is why we are shaping our practices at each stage of the potato’s journey to create a virtuous circle that promotes soil health and biodiversity, and reduces our carbon footprint and food waste.

In taking these sustainable initiatives, we intend to give you every reason to continue enjoying potatoes for generations to come. We firmly believe that the only genuine form of sustainability is one that never ends.

We are proud to be able to say loud and clear, with you…


Committed to sustainability


UNAPA was founded in December 1987 by six producer organisations to create a national system organised around key production areas. UNAPA was recognised as a national union in October 1988, under Law 674/78 and EEC regulation 1360/78. UNAPA recently obtained legal recognition from MIPAAF as an Association of Producer Organisations (A.O.P.) via D.M. 53472 of 24/07/2019.


Every year, the European Union helps implement communication programmes in support of European agriculture. The purpose is to promote not only the quality of European agricultural produce but also the know-how and techniques deployed, from farm to fork, to guarantee healthy, tasty products for all. These actions aim at driving improvement and securing a long-term vision of food sovereignty in Europe.


Created in 1977, the CNIPT, Comité National Interprofessionnel de la Pomme de Terre (“National Interbranch of Fresh Potatoes ”), is the interprofessional body recognised by the public authorities (French Law of 10 July 1975) for table potatoes (main crop and early) sold on the fresh market in France and for export. It operates within the framework of European Union regulation no. 1308/2013 of 17 December 2013.

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